

Last Name: Reed

First Name: Jaxson

Middle/Maiden Name: Lee


Last Name: Smith

First Name: Kristen

Middle/Maiden Name: Rene


Divorce County: Ward

Divorce Date: 2022-10-14

Marriage State: North Dakota

Marriage Date: 2022-03-17

Marriage County: Ward

The information related to this divorce record is managed by the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Vital Records (NDDHS). For inquires related to this record, please contact NDDHS by visiting

The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Vital Records did not begin collecting data related to divorces until 1949. Records related to divorces prior to 1949 are maintained by the County Clerk or Recorder. To request a copy of a divorce, patrons must contact the county in which the divorce occurred. For more information on vital records and divorce records, visit this page.

Several counties have transferred divorce records prior to 1949 to the North Dakota State Archives. Please contact the reference staff for assistance with these records.