The earliest conflicts in North Dakota were among Native American groups competing for power and resources on the Plains. Euro-Americans caused new conflicts as they pushed Native Americans from their homelands. The U.S. Army waged war on Native American tribes during the Indian Wars of the late 1800s. Forts were built to house troops who policed the frontier and kept Native Americans confined to reservations.
The people of North Dakota, including Native Americans, have served their country both at home and abroad. During World War I and World War II, North Dakotans served in all branches of the armed services. As the Cold War heated up in the 1950s and 60s, North Dakotans fought in Korea and Vietnam. Large Air Force bases were constructed near Grand Forks and Minot. War and conflict continues to be a part of life for the many military men and women from North Dakota.
- Display commemorating the centennial of World War I
- Nuclear fall-out shelter
- Veterans’ oral histories
- Cannon taken during the Philippine Insurrection