On the Edge of the Wind: Native Storytellers & the Land

In the background is a landscape photo with a colorful blue, pink, red, and purple sunset and buttes with a river down the middle. There is also a logo with a bison skull is inside a double outlined circle with diamond feathers at the top of the circle making them look like part of a sun. Under the icon it says On the Edge of the Wind: Native Storytellers & the Land.

Where do you go to center yourself? Does a certain landscape speak to you? For many Native Americans, the earth and everything in it are linked and possess a supernatural presence, but some places or elements of nature are considered especially significant. Produced by the North Dakota Council on the Arts in association with the State Historical Society, On the Edge of the Wind: Native Storytellers & the Land explores the connections between cultural practices, regional landscapes, and tribal oral narratives. Based on interviews with Native storytellers and knowledge keepers, this exhibition includes photographs, artifacts, and video recordings of elders recounting traditional stories.

Open through July 15, 2025 in the Governors Gallery