Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0030.002
Item: 1885
Date: 1885
Creator: Oscar H. Will & Co. (Bismarck, N.D.)
Title: 1885 Seed Catalog
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00112
Date: 7/1905
Title: Ward’s Coulee
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00195
Date: 1905
Title: Oscar Will, in his office with two secretaries
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00227
Date: 1906
Title: Theodore Roosevelt’s Cabin
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00412
Date: 1908
Title: Slim Buttes (S.D.)
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00417
Date: 1908
Title: George F. Will Sr. and Otis Tye standing on rock formations
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00441
Date: 1908
Title: Native American stone carvings, South Dakota
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00450
Date: 1908
Title: Tent camp, Montana
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00452
Date: 1908
Title: George F. Will Sr. on horseback
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00461
Date: 1908
Title: Horses and wagon crossing the Little Missouri River (N.D.)
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00473
Date: 1908
Title: Otis A. Tye in front of wagon
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0052.000
Item: 00477
Date: 1908
Title: Last camp on trip
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00546
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Valley of the Little Missouri River (N.D.) above the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, near Elkhorn Ranch, shot with a 24 inch focus single lens
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00548
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Site of Theodore Roosevelt’s Elkhorn Ranch house, large sandstone slab used for doorstep, looking toward Little Missouri River
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00552
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Valley of Little Missouri River (N.D.) at Theodore Roosevelt’s Elkhorn Ranch site; ranch house was situated on left side of clearing in the cottonwoods
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00554
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Bluffs and cedar trees along the Little Missouri River (N.D.), above the mouth of Big Beaver Creek
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00556
Date: 5/30/1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Row boat Hugh Glass just after completion by C L Hansen of Bismarck (N.D.), May 30, 1925
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00558
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Yucca glauca plant in bud, Sheep Creek about 4 miles north of Medora (N.D.)
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00560
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Close-up of some bull pines viewed from sagebrush flats on Sheep Creek
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00562
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: A sharp bend in the river
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00564
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Trees along riverbank
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00566
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: View of Little Missouri River (N.D.) between Government Creek and Ash Creek (Coulee)
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00569
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Theodore Roosevelt’s Elkhorn Ranch site
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00571
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: The Hugh Glass stuck on a sandbar above the mouth of Big Beaver Creek
Collection: 10190 - Will Family Papers
Folder: 0055.000
Item: 00573
Date: 1925
Title: Little Missouri Boat Trip: Joe Wood’s Ranch on the Little Missouri River (N.D.), just above Red Wing Creek