Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0798
Title: Palais de la Noueaute. . 1918. 115 x 80 cm. Giant woman standing in the middle of the Champs Elysse in Paris, crowds at her feet. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: G.L.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0800
Title: A L'Aurore De la Paix. . 1919. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-(from)The Lights of Peace. Oval frame - cottages in field. Green paint at bottom. European War, 1914-1918 - Tuberculosis Campaign - France. Artist: Dorival, Geo./Capon, G.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0802
Title: La Veillee des Tombes. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Rampant lions on emblem at top, crests at bottom. Ad for entertainment to honor Belgian soldiers. Foreign language posters - entertainment.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0804
Title: Pour le Patrie. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-For the Fatherland. National loan subscription for campaigns in Algeria and Tunisia. Moslem soldier leading cavalry into battle. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, France. Artist: Clairin, G.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0806
Title: Compagnie Algerienne. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Algerian soldier embracing his wife who's holding the hand of their child. Street scene in Algeria. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, Third - France. Artist: Jonas.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0808
Title: Credit Lyonnais. Souscrive au 4e Emprunt National. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Nude French soldier stabbing black eagle with sword. Pulling flag of France from eagle's beak at same time. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, fourth - France. Artist: Nelsanne.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0809
Title: Pour la Sauvegarde de la Race, Pour les Blesses de la Tuberculose. . n.d. 10 x 173.5, 173.5 x 99 cm. Translation-For the Salvation of the________, for the Blessings of the tubercular. Thin strip with phrase on it. Nun in blue habit holding bowl of food for sick soldier sitting in wooden lawn chair
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0810
Title: Lire dans L'Evenment. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Ad for movie about two families during the war. Nurse on outskirts of burned out city welcoming returning wounded soldier. European War, 1914-1918 - Film - France. Artist: Castro.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0812
Title: Los Ninos De Francia Durante La Guerra. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-The children of France during the War. Ad for movie. Battle field scenes on right and left sides. Group of children in center of poster. European War, 1914-1918 - Film - France. Artist: Capen, G.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0814
Title: Souvenez-vous de la Belgique Et du Nord de la France. N'Achetez Rien Aux Boches. . n.d. 76 x 51 cm. Translation-Remember Belgium and the north of France. Buy nothing from the Huns. German soldier walking on mother and about to stomp on infant. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0816
Title: Chemin defer D'Orlenee. . n.d. 104.5 x 74 cm. View of ALB; and its cathedral and old bridge. Travel/Tourism - France. Artist: Constant-Duval.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0818
Title: Exposition Organisee au Profit des Exposante et Galerie
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0820
Title: Orphelinat des Armees. Frank Brangwyn. n.d. 102 x 153 cm. Plan for financial support for war orphans. Orphaned children at gravesite, a few women, a man. European War, 1914-1918 - Child welfare - war orphans - France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0822
Title: Souscrivez pour Flater La Paix par La Victoire. . 1917. 114 x 80 cm. Woman holding child and olive branch, winged victory with sword behind them. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, third - France. Artist: Besnard, A.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0823
Title: Habitants de Paris. . n.d. 45 x 62 cm. Black print on off-white tells citizens of Paris to revel in their victory, fly the colors of France, the dead are resting in peace. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0825
Title: Comite' D'Assistance en Alsace-Lorraine. . 1916. 115 x 8 cm. Woman in nordic armor about to embrace two running children. European War, 1914-1918 - war relief, entertainment - France. Artist: Frians, E.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0827
Title: Toutes les Communes de France vont Remercier les Poilus par la Voix des Enfants des Ecoles. . 1919. 120 x 80 cm. Commemorating war dead. Monument to those who died for the fatherland. Woman beginning to write names on it, mourning women, guard. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France. Artist
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0829
Title: Donnez Tous A L'Oeuvre du Souvenir de la France A Ses Marins. . n.d. 100 x 140 cm. Woman with package and French flag sitting on edge of rowboat in harbor looking out to sea. European War, 1914-1918 - War relief - France. Artist: Bruyle.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0831
Title: Ah! Quand Suppreimera-t-On l'Alcool? Union des Francaiees Contre L'Alcool. n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-Ah! Where will one Surprise you Alcoholic? Man clutching bottle of alcohol at table, distraught wife and children demanding he give it up. European War, 1914-1918 - Anti-alcohol campaign - Fr
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0833
Title: Societe' Francaise de Secours aux Blesses Militaires. Societe' Francaise de Secours Aux Blesses Militaires. n.d. 115 x 80 cm. Woman crying over bombed-out home. Red cross nurse telling her father shelter is available. Child watching. Bombed-out neighborhood in background. European War, 1914-1918 -
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0835
Title: La Souscription Va Etre Close Le 16. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-The Subscription is going to be the 16th. Caricatures of three French soldiers in trenches worried about the National Loan. European War, 1914-1918 - National loan, third - France. Artist: TEL.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0837
Title: Societe' D'Enseignement Moderne. Societe d'Enseignment Moderne. n.d. 30 x 81 cm. Indigo lettering, advertisement for recreation center. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment - France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0840
Title: Exposition - Vente de Tableaux. . 1917. 80 x 113 cm. Father with two children, wife standing behind them. Benefit performance. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment, war relief - France. Artist: Steinlen.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0842
Title: Monopole des P. T. T. L'Union des Interets Economiques - Paris. n.d. 80 x 120 cm. People crowding letter box, letters falling down hole. Explains that mail service is bad lately. Eurpean War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France. Artist: Carrere, P.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0844
Date: circa 1917
Title: Le Cercle National du Soldat. Le Cercle National du Soldat.