
Collection: 10950 - SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Series: North Dakota Peace Officer Memorial Program
Folder: DIG
Item: 03361
Title: Fred A. Patrikus
Inscription/Marks: 4/13/1896
Summary: Fred A Patrikus Near Medora August 25th, 1940 Fred A. Patrikus, Billings County Sheriff, died in the Beach hospital five days after being critically wounded by a gunshot to the abdomen while trying to affect the arrest of an escapee by the name of Clarence Lorentz. Lorentz escaped from the St. Cloud, MN reformatory. Melvin Erickson, State Crime Bureau Director, believes that Lorentz was drawn to the North Dakota Badlands by a desire to see his wife. Erickson said Lorentz's wife, who is working on a ranch near Medora, was apparently indirectly responsible for the fugitive's appearance in this area, saw him at Medora and announced that she was through with him. Walter Bolke, a Medora resident, said Lorentz and a young companion had secured a ride with "Badlands Bill" McCarthy, well known Billings County rancher on a pretext. Bolke said he and the Sheriff stopped the McCarthy car along the road, acting on a tip that the St. Cloud fugitives were in the vicinity. "I guess you fellows better ride with me," the Sheriff told McCarthy's companions. "Have you got a gun?" "Yeah, I've got a gun," Bolke quoted Lorentz as saying as he climbed out of the other side of the car. Then came the shot, Bolke said. He said the slug passed through Lorentz's hand, through the Sheriff's hand and into his stomach. Lorentz then submitted to arrest, as did his juvenile companion. Patrikus died five days later, on August 27, 1940. Murder charges were filed on Lorentz. Lorentz was eventually sentenced to 25 years in the North Dakota State Penitentiary. He will also have 20 years to serve at St. Cloud after his release from the penitentiary. Fred was elected sheriff of Billings County in 1936. He was a veteran of 4 years of law enforcement service and was married.
Red ID: MS_I_468172 Image ID: 481094 Image Notes: 0950 00002 03361

Collection: 10950 Digitized Images from Collection
Title: SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Date: 2003-2022

Summary: The State Historical Society of North Dakota Foundation manages and recognizes supporters, donors and trustees, honors fallen peace officers, hosts the Aviation Hall of Fame and the ND Lions Hall of Fame Awards, and preserves the memory of thousands of North Dakotans.

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