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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ML-06
Item: 00005
Date: 1897
Title: Washburn Band
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ML-06
Item: 00003
Date: circa 1900
Title: Steamers Washburn and Benton at boat landing
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ML-06
Item: 00001
Date: circa 1900
Title: Hilde Satterlund, King Johns daughter, August Johnson and school teacher Mrs. Welch, Washburn (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ML-02
Item: 00004
Date: 1916
Title: Oscar Totdahl's family
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ML-02
Item: 00002
Date: 1915
Title: St. Olaf congregation, Turtle Lake (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-29
Item: 00005
Date: 06/1928
Title: Tom Rieder farm
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-29
Item: 00003
Date: 09/1917
Title: Threshing rig on Hans Rothgarn's farm near Willow City (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-20
Item: 00014
Date: XX
Title: Theodore and Oscar Oium using hay rick N of Towner (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-20
Item: 00012
Date: 1910
Title: Horse killed by train in Towner (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-09
Item: 00006
Date: 1903
Title: Horse drawn sleighs, Granville (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: MH-09
Item: 00004
Date: 1908
Title: East side of Main Street, Granville (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-12
Item: 00009
Date: 1912
Title: Train derailed near Joe Stephens' ranch on Knife River Branch line N of Mandan and W of Stanton (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-12
Item: 00007
Date: 1900
Title: Oswald Heinemeyer house, Hebron (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-12
Item: 00005
Date: 1912
Title: Train derailed near Joe Stephens' ranch on Knife River Branch line N of Mandan and W of Stanton (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-12
Item: 00003
Date: 02/01/2911
Title: Merchants State Bank, Hebron (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-12
Item: 00001
Date: circa 1918
Title: Walter Knoop, World War I veteran, Stanton (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-10
Item: 00002
Date: 1920
Title: Dave Richter's coal mine 3 miles SW of Krem (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: ME-09
Item: 00002
Date: 1900
Title: W.C. Stephens sod house 6 miles SE of Hazen (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00013
Date: 10/04/1907
Title: Dickey Bank after it was robbed
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00011
Date: 1924
Title: Arthur Youngman, Northern Pacific Railroad telegrapher at desk, Dickey (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00009
Date: 1899-1920
Title: Northern Pacific Railroad Depot, Jessie (0.ND.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00007
Date: 1907
Title: Kramers Comic Comedians
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00005
Date: circa 1910
Creator: LaMoure Drug Co. (LaMoure, N.D.)
Title: North 8th St., LaMoure (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00003
Date: 1911
Title: Aviator Bob St. Henry flies his plane in Mandan (N.D.)
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Collection: 00032 - North Dakota Oral History Project Photograph Collection
Folder: LM-18
Item: 00001
Date: 1922
Title: Railroad workers at temporary depot after first one burned, Dickey (N.D.)