
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00007
Date: circa 1926
Title: Arthur A. Link at age 12 with dog, Alexander, N.D.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00009
Date: 6/3/1962
Title: Arthur A. and Grace Link with their parents
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00011
Date: circa 1965
Title: Arthur and Grace Link family portrait, Williston (N.D.)
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00013
Date: circa 1955
Title: Arthur and Grace Link family portrait, Marek's Williston (N.D.)
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00015
Date: circa 1932
Title: Arthur A. Link, three unidentified barn and windmill
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00017
Date: 1959
Title: Arthur A. Link with parents sisters on Mothers' Day
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00019
Date: circa 1955
Title: Arthur A. Link in the North Dakota House of Representatives, Bismarck, N.D.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00021
Date: 1973
Title: Arthur A. Link Governor portrait
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00023
Date: circa 1971
Title: Arthur A. Link on steps of Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00025
Date: circa 1940
Title: Arthur A. Link with load of coal double team mined in pasture 2-3 miles away from home, Alexander, N.D.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00027
Date: 1997
Title: Arthur A. Link playing fiddle
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00029
Date: 1937
Title: Arthur A. Link portrait
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00031
Date: circa 1972
Creator: Skogberg, Johnny
Title: Arthur A. Link on horseback at North Dakota Winter Show, Valley City, N.D.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00033
Date: circa 1948
Title: Arthur A. Link working at North Dakota legislative desk, Bismarck (N.D.)
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00035
Date: circa 1939
Title: Arthur A. Link and Grace Link on Cletrac tractor near Alexander, N.D.
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00037
Date: 4/5/1986
Title: Byron Dorgan, Kent Conrad, Arthur A. Link at Democratic-NPL State Convention
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00039
Date: circa 1937
Title: Three combines working in field
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00041
Date: circa 1940
Title: Combining, two combines Coop tractor
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00043
Date: circa 1940
Title: Combining W9 tractor and MM combine
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00045
Date: 7/18/1980
Title: DOE Loan guarantee to GPCG
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00047
Date: circa 1940
Title: Arthur A. and Grace Link with extended family
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00049
Date: 1936
Title: Arthur A. and Grace Link
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00051
Date: circa 1990
Title: Arthur A. and Grace Link Bismarck State College BSC Foundation Ball, Bismarck (N.D.), January 23, 1988
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00053
Date: circa 1936
Title: Grace Johnson portrait
Collection: 10787 - Arthur A. and Grace Link Papers
Folder: DIG
Item: 00055
Date: 1940
Title: Grace Link and family

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