
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0775
Title: Francais Ne vous Installez pas dans la Guerre la Patrie est en Danger. . n.d. 32 x 50 cm. Translation-Frenchmen Do Not. Propaganda poster. Winged soldier with sword in front of flying flags on pedestal. European War, 1914-1918-Propaganda, France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0777
Title: La guerre Est in Etat Violant, Il faut la faire A Outrance ou bien Rentrer Dans Ses Foyers. . n.d. 32 x 50 cm. Translation-War is a Violent State. Propaganda poster. Winged soldier with sword in front of flying flags on pedestal. European War, 1914-1918-Propaganda, France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0779
Title: Journee des Eprouves de la Guerre. Affiches - Camis - Paris. 1915. 120 x 81 cm. Red, white, blue. Winged victory with laurels standing next to retangular space. European war, 1914-1918 - Entertainment.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0781
Title: DeBout Dans la Tranchee. . n.d. 129 x 81.5 cm. Translation-In the Trenches. Soldier in trenches lit by glare from shell bursts. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda-France. Artist: Lieut Jean Droit.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0782
Title: Pour le Dernier Quart d'heure. Aidez-Moi!.  . n.d. 118.5 x 79.5 cm. Translation-For the Last Quarter of an Hour. Help Me!. French soldiers marching on battlefield. Officer gazing ahead. Ad for national loan. European War, 1914-1918 - propaganda-France. Artist: SEM.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0784
Title: Emprunt Francais. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-France's Loan. Ad for national loan, rooster at bottom, names and emblems of the provinces around borders. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan-France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0786
Title: 3e. Emprunt De La Defense Nationale Credit Lyonnais. Souscrivez. . n.d. 56.5 x 78 cm. Also 78 x 120 cm. Translation-Third National Defense Loan. Subscribe. French soldier planting banner of
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0787
Title: Emprunt National 1917. . 1917. 56 x 44 cm. Translation-1917 National Loan. Soldiers marching through city. Monument says Strasbourg. French soldier on horse in foreground. European War, 1914-1918-National Loan-France. Artist: Duslif.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0789
Title: Compagnie des Notaires de Paris Et du De'partment de la Seine. Campagnie des Notaires de Paris et du De'partment de la Seine. 1916. 80 x 115 cm. Drawing -
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0791
Title: Journee Nationale des Tuberculeux. Anciens Militaries. Sauvon-Les. Journee Nationale des Tuberculex. n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Soldier sitting near body of water, looking at sky, nurse's hands on his shoulders. European War, 1914-1918 - Tuberculosis Campaign - France. Artist: --faire.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0793
Title: Marne, Yser, Somme, Verdun. . n.d. 60 x 80 cm. Soldier holding French flag, two women, one kissing flag. Commemoration of these battles. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda-France. Artist: Royer, Henri.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0795
Title: Sourenez-Voux! Crimes Allemands. . 1917. 80 x 120 cm. Translation-Remember! German Crimes. German pillager in foreground. Destroyed and burning city in background. Burning crucifix falling into water. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France. Artist: Jonas.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0797
Title: Salle Du Trocadero. . 1916. 88 x 118.5 cm. Man stepping out of red sphere holding spear pointed at surrendering and grotesque caricature of Germanic woman. Proceeds go to war effort. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France. Artist: Neumon, Maurice.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0799
Title: Deuvre du Fusilier Marin Et du Sold At Breton. . 1917. 120 x 80 cm. Man and woman sitting on shore facing sea. Battleship and sailboats in background. European War, 1914-1918. Artist: Trubert, C.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0801
Title: La Vermine du Monde. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-The Vermin of the World. Entertainment ad. German spies being found by French policemen on street. European War, 1914-1918 - Propagandan - France. Artist: Jeannoit.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0803
Title: Le Journee du Poilu. . 1915. 120 x 80 cm. Soldiers in fort. One standing, one sitting looking through care packages. Foreign language posters - entertainment. Artist: Jonas.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0805
Title: L'Association Generale des Mutiles de la Guerre. L'Association Generale des Mutiles de la Guerre. 1917. 80 x 117 cm. Translation-The General Assocation of War Amputees. French soldier with amputated right arm shaking hands with old soldier/farmer with false leg. Reeducation, job placement, rehabil
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0807
Title: Souscrivez pour la Victoire. . 1916. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-Subscribe for Victory. Winged victory flying over battlefield, leading allied armies. Dead soldiers in foreground. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan - France. Artist: Gutz, M. Richard.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0809
Title: Pour la Sauvegarde de la Race, Pour les Blesses de la Tuberculose. . n.d. 10 x 173.5, 173.5 x 99 cm. Translation-For the Salvation of the________, for the Blessings of the tubercular. Thin strip with phrase on it. Nun in blue habit holding bowl of food for sick soldier sitting in wooden lawn chair
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0809
Title: Pour la Sauvegarde de la Race, Pour les Blesses de la Tuberculose. . n.d. 10 x 173.5, 173.5 x 99 cm. Translation-For the Salvation of the________, for the Blessings of the tubercular. Thin strip with phrase on it. Nun in blue habit holding bowl of food for sick soldier sitting in wooden lawn chair
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0811
Title: Grande Kermesse des Fleurs. . 1918. 83 x 119 cm. Woman picking flowers at top. Child offering flower to two soldiers. Little boy picking flowers. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: Guindet, A.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0813
Title: Monopoles des Tabacs. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-Tobacco Monopolies. French soldiers burning tobacco products at ship yard. Gendarme holding back small group of businessmen while other lights crate on fire. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda - France. Artist: Carrier, P.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0815
Title: Chemins de Fer Paris - Lyon - Mediterranee. . n.d. 73 x 128 cm. View of Grenoble surrounded by the Alps. Automobile services available on trip through Alps. Travel/Tourism - France. Artist: Broders, Roger.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0817
Title: Chemin de fer de L'Etat. . n.d. 74 x 105 cm. View of Le Chateau d'O-Orne. Ad for excursions in Normandy. Travel/Tourism - France. Artist: A.O.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0819
Title: Foire de Saint - Sulpice. . 1917. 122 x 92 cm. Four goddesses in sky above crowd near cathedral. One goddess handing U.S. flag to other. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: Tombez, Maurice.

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