
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0662
Title: Soldiers' Separation Allowances.  Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, H.W. and V. Ltd.  1915. 81 x 54 cm. British poster advertising special cash allowances for dependents of soldiers.  European War, 1914-1918 - Recruiting and enlistment - Great Britain. Artist: Anon.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0666
Title: Which? Now!. Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, Abbey Press, Westminster, England. n.d.  75 x 49 cm. British armed forces recruiting poster.  European War, 1914-1918 - Recruiting and enlistment - Great Britain.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0668
Title: Journee du Poilu. DeVambez, Paris 1915. 120 x 80 cm. Two soldiers walking side by side, one with a pipe in his mouth, the other with a rose in this mouth. Foreign language posters - entertainment. Artist: Steinlen.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0672
Title: Pour le Retour du Soldat Vainqueur Souscrivez au Credit du Nord. DeVambez, Paris. . n.d. 80 x 120 cm. Translation-For the Soldier's Return Winner Subscribe to the North Credit. Soldier with family, including a boy who holds an olive branch. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, Second - France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0759
Title: Perche L'Italia Sia Vittoriosa--Sattorscrivete Al Prestito Nazionale. . n.d. 18 x 28.5 cm. Translation-Because Italy has been Victorious--Subscribe to the National Loan. Woman wearing helmet and light armor holding sword, draped by olive branches. European War, 1914-1918-Prestito Nationale. Artist
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0761
Title: Sotitoscrivete Al Prestito. Off. Dell'ist. IT. D'Arti Grafiche-Gergamo, printers. n.d. 24 x 34 cm. Translation-Subscribe to the Loan. Woman draped by Italian flag with sword and shield fending off armed Teuton. European War, 1914-1918-Prestito Nazionale.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0762
Title: On Ne Discute Pas on Lesjuge! Sourenez Vous!
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0764
Title: Cacciali Via! Sottoscrivete Al Prestito. . n.d. 140 x 99.5 cm. Translation-Go Soldiers! Subscribe to the Loan. Woman holding child giving support to soldier marching into battle. European War, 1914-1918-Prestito Nazionale. Artist: Ufinozzi.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0766
Date: circa 1917
Title: "E Nostro Torni Quel Che Fugia Natro! L. Orsinni. Prestito Della Liberzione"
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0768
Title: Cercle National pour le Soldat de Paris. Cercle National pour le Soldat de Paris. n.d. 120 x 84 cm. Translation-For the Soldiers of Paris. Advertisement poster for soldiers canteen, free entertainment. European War, 1914-1918-Entertainment. Artist: Job.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0770
Title: Exposition d'Art Marocain. . 1917. 69.5 x 100 Translation-Morrocan Art Exhibition. Morrocan soldier with crutch standing, watching man paint pottery. European War, 1914-1918-Entertainment. Artist: Rabot de la Niziere.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0772
Title: Vente De Charite'. . 1918. 80 x 60 cm. Translation-Charity Bazaar. Five caricatures of allied soldiers at top. European War, 1914-1918-Entertainment. Artist: Malespina, L.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0773
Title: Souvenez-voux! Remember!. . n.d. 40 x 58 cm., 54.5 x 34.5 cm. Discourages consumers to buy German-made products after the war. German soldier and commercial traveler. English and French versions of same poster. European War, 1914-1918-Propaganda, France. Artist: Gottlob, F.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0776
Title: Taisons Nous.Sachons Souffrir pour Tenir le Quart d'heue de Plus. . n.d. 32 x 50 cm. Propaganda poster. Winged soldier with sword in front of flying flag, on pedestal. European War, 1914-1918-Propaganda, France.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0778
Title: Exposition. . 1917. 79.5 x 118.5 cm. Ad for architectural exposition. Purple, orange, green. City street scene. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: Ropin.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0780
Title: L'Estampe Moderne. . 1899. 62 x 41 cm. Cover for art magazine. Woman with pen at left. European War, 1914-1918. Artist: Muitin.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0781
Title: DeBout Dans la Tranchee. . n.d. 129 x 81.5 cm. Translation-In the Trenches. Soldier in trenches lit by glare from shell bursts. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda-France. Artist: Lieut Jean Droit.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0783
Title: Palais du Trocadero. . 1917. 119.5 x 79.5 cm. Man, woman holding baby, two childreen looking at the ruins of their home in the distance. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: Bonnelous, Jean.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0785
Title: Salon Des Armees, Reserve' Aux Artistes du Front. . n.d. 120 x 82.5 cm. Translation-Army Salon Reserved for the Artists of the Front Line. Caricature of soldier holding up statuette he's carved. European War, 1914-1918 - Entertainment. Artist: Dangon, Henri.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0786
Title: 3e. Emprunt De La Defense Nationale Credit Lyonnais. Souscrivez. . n.d. 56.5 x 78 cm. Also 78 x 120 cm. Translation-Third National Defense Loan. Subscribe. French soldier planting banner of
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0788
Title: 3e Emprunt De La Defense Nationale. Souscrivez. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm., Also 118 x 80 cm. Translation-3rd National Defense Loan. Subscribe. French soldier kissing his daughter goodby. Wife and infant. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, third - France. Artist: Leroux, Auguste.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0791
Title: Journee Nationale des Tuberculeux. Anciens Militaries. Sauvon-Les. Journee Nationale des Tuberculex. n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Soldier sitting near body of water, looking at sky, nurse's hands on his shoulders. European War, 1914-1918 - Tuberculosis Campaign - France. Artist: --faire.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0792
Title: Emprunt de la Liberation. . n.d. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-Liberation (Liberty) Loan. Scotsman, French soldier, British soldier in battle. Subscribe to the loan. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, Liberty-France. Artist: Powssel, Famin.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0794
Title: Exposition - Crimes Allemands. . 1917. 120 x 80 cm. Translation-Exposition - German crimes. Family being taken prisoner in bombed-out city. European War, 1914-1918 - Propaganda-France. Artist: Jonas.
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0796
Title: Pour le Supreme Effort - Emprunt National. . 1918. 80 x 120 cm. French soldier choking black eagle on battlefield. European War, 1914-1918 - National Loan, Fourth-France. Artist: Falser, M.

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