
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0357
Title: You Can Help
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0359
Title: We Belong To the Red Cross Acre Club
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0361
Title: Sea Training
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0363
Title: Signal to Americans
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0365
Title: These Men Have Come Across They Are at the Front Now
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0367
Title: Men Wanted for U.S. Navy
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0369
Title: Requirements for Enlistment in the U.S. Navy
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0371
Title: Teufel Hunden (Devil Dog)
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0373
Title: U.S. Naval Training Station and War College of Newport, Rhode Island
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0375
Title: Six Million Cheers - For Our Sailor Boys - The Best Ever!
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0377
Title: This Space is For You
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0379
Title: Here He Is, Sir
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0381
Title: See the Man at the Desk for What the Navy Has to Offer
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0383
Title: Tidal Wave
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0385
Title: Shoot Ships to Germany and Help American Win
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0387
Title: Ships Are Coming
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0389
Title: Ships Will Win the War!
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0391
Title: Oh Boy! That's the Girl!
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0393
Title: Kulm Opera Hans
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0395
Title: American Library Association Library War Service
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0397
Title: His Home Over There
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0399
Title: For Your Boy
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0402
Title: Happenings at the Sign of the Red Triangle in Many Lands
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0404
Title: Worker's Lend Your Strength to the Red Triangle
Collection: 10935 - World War I (WWI) Posters
Folder: MAP
Item: P0406
Title: Girl on the Land Serves the Nation's Need

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