
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00053
Title: Elks Parade, view from 500 block Main Street, Bismarck (ND) 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00055
Title: Elks Parade, Auto Dealers float on 500 block Bismarck (ND) 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00058
Title: Elks Parade, Elks float in parade, corner of Broadway and 2nd St, Bismarck (ND) 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00060
Title: President Dwight D Eisenhower speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for Garrison Dam, 1953
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00062
Title: Garrison Dam construction, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00064
Title: Garrison Dam construction, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00066
Title: Garrison Dam construction, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00068
Title: Garrison Dam construction, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00070
Title: Men in Native American clothing and dress at Garrison Dam dedication, 1953
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00072
Title: Crowd awaiting the arrival of President Eisenhower and other dignitaries at the dedication of Garrison Dam, 1953
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00074
Title: Aerial view of Bismarck Airport and President Eisenhower's planes for the dedication of Garrison Dam, 1953
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00076
Date: 6/14/1925-6/19/1925
Title: Badlands Tour, Gov Sorlie, Raymond S Torrey, Walter F. Cushing, Geo R Osterhaut, June 14-19, 1925
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00078
Title: Governor Arthur G Sorlie on horseback ca 1920
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00080
Title: View of Sorlie Memorial Bridge from Demers Avenue 1929
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00082
Title: Ruth, Glenn, Evelyn and Grace Sorlie on Sorlie Memorial Bridge, Grand Forks (ND) 1929
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00084
Title: Arthur G Sorlie and son Glenn
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00086
Title: Soap Box Derby, Bismarck, 1952
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00088
Title: Soap Box Derby, Bismarck, 1952
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00090
Title: Soap Box Derby Race, Bismarck, 1952
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00092
Title: Soap Box Derby Race, Bismarck, 1952
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00094
Title: Soap Box Derby Race, Bismarck, 1952
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00096
Title: Soap Box Derby racing, Bismarck, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00098
Title: Soap Box Derby racing, Bismarck, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00100
Title: Soap Box Derby racing, Bismarck, July 1950
Collection: 2014-P-038 - Gus Sorlie
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 00102
Title: Soap box derby, Bismarck 1953 Glenn Sorlie at right

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