
Collection: 10950 - SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Series: Aviation Hall of Fame
Folder: DIG
Item: 00010
Title: Alfred Dahl
Date: 2001
Summary: Alfred Dahl began flying in 1947 when he purchased the first plane in Forman, North Dakota. As Mayor of Forman, he worked to establish the Forman Airport. In 1955, he founded Dahl Airspray, Inc., the first aerial application business in Sargent County. Al was an active aerial applicator for over forty years. Al retired as the second oldest active spray pilot in the United States. Al's involvement with the Civil Air Patrol began in the 1950's, with many search and rescue missions conducted in Southeast North Dakota. His efforts were especially notable during the blizzards of the early 50's. An active member of the North Dakota Flying Farmers at a national and state level for over twenty-five years, Al has served as State President and Vice President. Al has been a leader in the development of aviation both on the State and National scene. He was elected to all the offices of the North Dakota Aviation Association (NDAA), which was the first statewide aviation organization. He was instrumental in the development of the early legislation regulating the agricultural aviation industry. He was the North Dakota representative to the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NDAAA), becoming its Secretary in 1976 and elected National President in 1978. Under his leadership a national executive director was hired and a new headquarters building established. Over the years Al's expertise has been valuable to numerous councils and advisory committees. He was appointed to the University of North Dakota's Aviation Advisory Council giving direction and input that helped form the nationally acclaimed UND Center of Aerospace Science. His input was especially helpful in resolving conflicts with the commercial aviation interests. Al has given many young people their first memorable flight. Some of them have gone on to be active in the industry today. Three former students now operate their own aerial application businesses.
Red ID: MS_I_466059 Image ID: 477254 Image Notes: 10950 00003 00010

Collection: 10950 Digitized Images from Collection
Title: SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Date: 2003-2022

Summary: The State Historical Society of North Dakota Foundation manages and recognizes supporters, donors and trustees, honors fallen peace officers, hosts the Aviation Hall of Fame and the ND Lions Hall of Fame Awards, and preserves the memory of thousands of North Dakotans.

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