
Collection: 10950 - SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Series: Aviation Hall of Fame
Folder: DIG
Item: 00018
Title: Kenneth Koehn
Date: 2007
Summary: Kenneth Koehn served as airport manager of the Devils Lake Municipal Airport for 19 years before his retirement in 2005. Ken's ability to creatively coordinate local, state and national resources has led to numerous improvements at the airport which enable it to better serve the Devils Lake community and surrounding area. He worked with the Community Development Corporation to secure funding for a maintenance hangar, which was leased as a maintenance hub to an airline serving the community. This structure continues to be an asset to the airport and community. Ken's coordination of the airport, the city and the Corps of Engineers resulted in extending diking to protect the runways from the flooding Devils Lake. His visionary efforts brought a new airline terminal and a renewal of the airport infrastructure that grew out of the partnership effort of city, county, state and federal agencies. The North Dakota National Guard's Camp Grafton Training Center has a significant presence in the Devils Lake area. Ken Koehn's proactive support of the military has resulted in upgraded runways and a modern runway lighting system which supports the military presence on the Devils Lake Airport and contributes to Camp Grafton being one of the nation's top ranked training institutes. Ken has played an active role in numerous community organizations, which has led to being involved and recognized on the state and national levels. He has served in many capacities, including President of the Airport Association of North Dakota. Ken was very active in the National Committee of Cities and States for Air Service, which led the legislative effort to secure continued legislative funding for the Essential Air Service (EAS) Program, a US-DOT subsidy for airline service to small towns in the United States. He is a past member ('80) of the North Dakota House of Representatives. Ken created the OX-5 Club to recognize and record the history of early pioneer pilots who purchased surplus engines and aircraft after WW-I. In addition to collecting photographs of these pioneer aviators and placing them in the airport terminal, he hosted a reunion that drew people from all over the country. The success of the Devils Lake Airport is testimony to Ken's vision and commitment to the role of aviation in rural areas and community development.
Red ID: MS_I_466067 Image ID: 477262 Image Notes: 10950 00003 00018

Collection: 10950 Digitized Images from Collection
Title: SHSND Foundation Hall of Fame, Memorial, and Biography Records
Date: 2003-2022

Summary: The State Historical Society of North Dakota Foundation manages and recognizes supporters, donors and trustees, honors fallen peace officers, hosts the Aviation Hall of Fame and the ND Lions Hall of Fame Awards, and preserves the memory of thousands of North Dakotans.

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