
Collection: E - E Collection
Folder: 0000.000
Item: 0649-00001
Title: President Woodrow Wilson visits with locals during his trip to Bismarck (N.D.)
Date: 9/10/1919
Inscription/Marks: [Handwritten in pencil on back of photograph] U.S. Pres. Wilson in Bismarck, Wed. Sept. 10, 1919.
Summary: President Woodrow Wilson visits with Bismarck residents during an informal reception at the Bismarck Country Club during his trip through Bismarck on September 10, 1919. __[Bismarck_Tribune_Wed__Sep_10__1919_p05] Wilson enjoys drive through Capital City. President Visits Country Club But Refuses to Risk His Reputation. Speaks To Station Crowd. The biggest crowd of the day was gathered in the presidential special just before it left for its next scheduled stop, Billings, Mont. Undoubtedly the greatest enthusiasm of the whole day was displayed by the interested throngs jammed around the station, on the roofs of freight cards and other vantage points to catch the last glimpse of the president and Mrs. Wilson before they left Bismarck. It was several minutes before the cheering crowd would permit President Wilson to speak. With remarkable clearness he briefly dwelt on the more important points of his address which he had delivered earlier in the day at the auditorium. When he had finished his five-minute talk he waved a farewell to the cheering, demonstrative crowd, and his train slowly pulled out of the station, promptly at 1 o'clock. Make Tour of City. Upon leaving the auditorium, President and Mrs. Wilson and the other members of the party, were taken on an automobile ride thru the residential section of the city out to the Country Club. President Wilson made frequent comments on the splendid appearance of the pretty homes along the drive, the large amount of paving and other civic attractions. Preparations had [been] made for President Wilson to drive a ball of the home tee at the Country Club golf course, but with a smile, the president declined the invitation saying, “I would not want to spoil my golf reputation before this happy crowd.” Praises Panorama. Viewing the marvelous scene from the club house hill which was particularly attractive because of the wonderfully clear weather, President Wilson said: “It is the most beautiful natural panorama I have ever seen.” An informal reception was held by President and Mrs. Wilson at the Country Club grounds where they shook hands with scores of people who pressed forward for this honor, chatted on various topics with the assemblage and praised with great sincerity the splendid reception and outpouring of people at this city. Likes ”Us Folks” President Wilson and other members of the party, at frequent intervals complimented the spirit of the people here, the enthusiasm and life they displayed and the beauties of the country side. The presidential party was entertained at the Country Club for 20 minutes and then were driven hurriedly back to the special train.
Red ID: PH_I_88532 Image ID: 169702 Image Notes: E0649-00001

Collection: E Digitized Images from Collection
Title: E Collection
Date: 1863-2009

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