
Collection: 31090 - Transportation, Department of. Administration. Commissioner's Files.
Folder: 0031.002
Item: 00057
Title: Highway building auditorium, ground floor, south side of building
Date: circa 1970
Summary: Today first floor
Red ID: SG_I_174552 Image ID: 175788 Image Notes: 31090-00057

Collection: 31090 Digitized Images from Collection
Title: Transportation, Department of. Administration. Commissioner's Files.
Date: 1889-2015

Summary: Consists of federal, local government, and state agency correspondence, memoranda, and reports relating to administration and highway maintenance. Also includes minutes from in-house and out-of-house committee meetings, speeches prepared and presented by employees of the department, legislation dealing with issues such as outdoor advertising, highway funding, etc. OCLC 18304759 3; 5 Highway departments--North Dakota; Administrative files. Also includes former record series 31754.Contains record control numbers 050223 FEDERAL AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE contains correspondence that the department Director has with federal agencies. 050224 FEDERAL AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE. 050225 FEDERAL HIGWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHWA) contains general correspondence on highway matters dealing directly with the DOT Director. 100101 STATE AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE contains correspondence with other North Dakota state agencies. 220311 (220110) COMMITTEES/MEETINGS contains correspondence and minutes from in-house and out-of-house committees and meetings. 260501 SPEECHES, contains speeches prepared and presented by employees of the department. 550304 LEGISLATION, contains correspondence at State and Federal levels dealing with issues such as outdoor advertising, Highway funding, etc. 700117 CITY & COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE, contains correspondence dealing with projects and/or funding, to andfrom DOT Director. 800262 TRANSPORTATION CORRESPONDENCE, contains correspondence on special bridge project & highway projects. 810108 SPECIAL PROGRAMS & PROJECTS, contains correspondence, reports and studies. Some examples are ADA, Demonstration Project, Gas Tax Support, Reservation Roads, Special Roads Committee, State Public Employee Council, Total Quality Management, Wetlands, etc. 850527 STAFF, DIVISION & UNIT contains correspondence, reports and news releases from other divisions, etc. 900116 SURVEY, STUDY & REPORTS contains information on gas tax, pictures, etc. __ __ __Summary

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